SUNDAY, 24 FEBRUARY/9 MARCH: FIRST SUNDAY OF THE GREAT FAST; THE TRIUMPH OF ORTHODOXY; (Tone 4); The First (4th C) and Second (452) Finding of the Head of the Forerunner and Baptist John; Saint Erasmus of the Kiev Caves (+c1160):
9:40AM- Hours, Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great
Epistle: Heb.11: 24-26,32-12,2 Gospel: Jn.1,43-51
Wednesday, 27 February/12 March: Saint Procopius of the Decapolis, Confessor (+c750); Saint Titus, presbyter of the Kiev Caves (+1190); Saint Titus of the Kiev Caves, former soldier, (+14th C); Saint Thalaleus of Syria (+c460); Hieromartyr Sergius Uvitsky, presbyter (+1932):
9:30AM- Third, Sixth, Ninth Hours; Typical Psalms
At 6th Hour: Isaiah 5, 16-25
Friday: 1/14 March: Venerable-martyr Evdokia of Heliopolis (+c160-170); Saint Martyrius of Zelenets (+1603); Martyr Antonina (+c3rd-4th C):
9:30AM- Third, Sixth, Ninth Hours; Typical Psalms
At 6th Hour: Isaiah 7, 1-14
SUNDAY, 3/16 MARCH: SECOND SUNDAY OF THE GREAT FAST; SAINT GREGORY PALAMAS, ARCHBISHOP OF THESSALONICA; (Tone 5); Martyrs Eutropius, Cleonicus and Basiliscus (+c308); Saint Piama, virgin (+337); Saints Zeno and Zoilus; Sobor of All the Venerable Fathers of the Kiev Caves (commemorated on the Second Sunday of the Great Fast); Venerable-martyr Martha (Kovrova) and Martyr Michael Stroeva (+1938(:
9:40AM- Hours, Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great
Epistle: Heb.1,10;-2,3 Gosper: Mk.2,1-12
5:00PM- Mission Service at Saint Stephen Russian Orthodox Church, Old Forge