Ss. Peter & Paul Russian Orthodox Church
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Moscow Patriarchate


  1. WE WELCOME YOU to Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church! We are happy to have you visit and worship the Lord God with us. If you would like more information about our Parish and, perhaps, becoming a parishioner, please, see Father Basil or visit our website: , or phone the rectory at    570 -343-8128  (if no answer, let phone ring 6 times and leave a message.) God Bless you!         


  1. SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for the school year 2024-2025 are now in session! All Youth of our Parish, ages Kindergarten and beyond, are welcome to attend. We thank our loyal and devoted Sunday School staff, parents and grandparents for their important support and help with our Sunday School Programme. Most importantly we thank our instructors and students who attend weekly Sunday School sessions and learn the truths of the Orthodox Christian Faith – its dogmas, customs and traditions, putting these values into practice in their daily lives. May the Holy Spirit be with you and guide you in all correct learning.  God Bless!


  1. CHURCH CLEANING for this week, 9 March: TEAM  3  -----    Sandra Wallick, Mary Ann Hogan, Sonja Czachor   and anyone else who can and cares enough to help.  Please, remember to tend to the Holy Icons, candlestands and the main aisle before leaving church today.  We need a few more volunteers (women and men) to supplement our cleaning teams. Can you help for an hour or so each month? Please, let Father Basil know. (570-343-8128).  God Bless  HOW LOVELY IS THY DWELLING PLACE, O LORD OF HOSTS!


  1. SOUP SALE! YES, Soup for YOU! Manhattan (red) Clam Chowder, homemade in our own kitchens, will be available during the Great Fast on Fridays, 14 and 28 March, 11 April. Pick-up orders between high noon and 2:00PM (pre-orders preferred). Donation - $10 per quart. Order at candle-desk. See flyer in narthex for more info! Order Today!!!  Thank you! God Bless!


  1. MISSION SERVICES are planned for the Great Fast, 2025. Our parishioners and friends are encouraged to attend these Mission Services (Vespers) as a key part of our Lenten observance. All Mission Services begin at 5:00PM. God Bless! - 16 March: Saint Stephen Russian Orthodox Church, Old Forge - 23 March: Saint John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Mayfield - 30 March: Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church, Scranton


  1. OUR PARISH HALL (SCHOOL/CENTER) is in dire need of repair. The Parish Council is and has been seeking estimates to complete the necessary work. Some bids have already been received. Please, pray for a successful completion of this work for the good of our parish. Necessary patching and other masonry work at the Academy Street entrance has been completed! IT LOOKS GREAT!!! BUT- there is more to be done.  Donations towards this project are greatly appreciated. Thank You! God Bless!


  1. PAY A VISIT to our Parish website: Keep up with news and Divine Services, photos, links to Orthodox sites and more. Be a website Sponsor for a donation of just $25 per month. Sponsorship forms are available in the narthex. We need donations to keep our parish website on-line. PLEASE, favourably consider sponsoring the website for a month or more.     God Bless you!


  1. THE HOLY FIRE, from the Church of the Resurrection * in Jerusalem, burns brightly in the lampadas in our church. If you wish to make a donation for the burning of the Holy Fire in the Altar (Sanctuary) or Nave (main body) of our temple, please, stop at the candle-desk. Offering intentions may be made for the health and salvation of family and friends, or for the blessed repose of departed Christians. A donation of $25 per month is requested to cover the cost of candles. [A “link” has been included on our website for more information about the HOLY FIRE. Log-on to it when you have time.] God Bless!                                                    


  1. JUST A reminder: Our annual contribution to the Cathedraticum for the Patriarchal Parishes is fifty ($50.00) dollars per parishioner per year. This is more than reasonable (only one dollar per week). Please, actively support our Russian Orthodox Church in the USA by faithfully using your Cathedraticum envelopes.  Please, use it to make your donation. Spaseeboh!  God Bless!


  1. LIVE-STREAMING, and encore viewing, of the Divine Liturgy is available at -  and in living colour on the radio at  94.3 FM from  Saint John’s  Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Mayfield,  - Sunday at 9:30AM. -  from Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church, Baltimore, (Archpriest John Vass).  – Sunday at 10:00AM This is offered for those who, for a serious reason, cannot come to church on Sunday for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. It is NOT a substitute for NOT attending Divine Liturgy  in church on Sunday or any other day. God Bless! 


  1. A WORD of “THANKS!” to our faithful parishioners and friends who tend to the beauty of the temple/church, Church Hall, parish grounds and cemetery. You know what “they say – no one notices housekeeping and landscaping work unless it is NOT done.” YOUR WORK in the House-of-God and its properties does not go un-noticed. We appreciate your labours and know that the Lord God blesses and accepts your offering of time and talent. Again , “THANK YOU” for caring about the beauty of the House of God, its property and cemetery.. God Bless you!


  1. WINTER is hanging around in NEPA! But NOT FOR LONG!!– SPRING arrives in NEPA on Thursday, 20 March, 2025 at 5:01AM!!! The robins are commin’ back soon! The crocuses and daffy-dills will soon be waking-up from their long winter’s nap! The Canadian geese are flying north!– Word has it that millions of  17-year cicadas are itching to come above ground! Some say that they are edible! – let me know!  It’s only 12 days till Spring!  We’re gettin’  there!  But keep those snow shovels nearby, just in case!  God Bless!


AN IMPORTANT component of our “Lenten”  discipline is almsgiving. Our Parish has a beautiful tradition called the “Lenten Sacrifice”, which has been in practice for several generations. Each person is encouraged to contribute at least one dollar per day for the forty days of the Great Fast as a personal sacrifice for our Parish. This is a worthy and blessed effort. Special Lenten Sacrifice envelopes are available in the narthex to remind us of the importance of this discipline. May the Lord God Bless and reward your LENTEN SACRIFICE. God Bless!


The Jesus Prayer
[ pray this prayer often during the day ]




[A word to our Parishioners and Friends:   When making your Last Will and Testament, please, be sure to include Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church among your beneficiaries. The Church has helped, guided and nourished you throughout your entire life. Making a final bequest to our Parish will help you and it will help your Parish. Pray and consider this.  God Bless you!]

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